- Wordstudy - Friday's test of Halloween words went home today. This week's assignment is due on Thursday and the test is on Friday.
- Math - The in-class Problem of the Week has been marked and is going home today for review and a signature then returned to the Hand In bin.
- Joyeux Halloween!
- Hallowe'en - I need a light lunch on Monday as we will have snacks at our afternoon party. Costumes only in the afternoon please.
- PJ day - November 1st is PJ day. We will begin the day with a school-wide reading train.
- Math - There is no problem-solving homework this week as we are doing this week's problem in class.
- Halloween - I can change into my costume at lunch on Monday for our afternoon parade and party.
- P. E. - I need shorts and a t-shirt to leave at school so I can change for gymnastics
- Wordstudy test and math update went home today
- Wordstudy Halloween assignment is due Thursday and test is on Friday
- Math - Multiplication homework is due Friday
- Math Problem-solving work from Thursday is due tomorrow
- Math - Weekly word problem is due Tuesday
- Tomorrow is a Professional Development day.
- Newsletter - We're published! Please see the link emailed by Mr. Shannon to yesterday's newsletter to read some inspiring writing by Division 3 students about the Circle of Courage.
- Wordstudy - The assignment is due Thursday and test is also on Thursday as Friday is a Professional Development day.
- Litterless Lunch - Let's try to have a litterless lunch every day this week.
- An email about Division 3 activities was sent this morning. Please let us know if you did not receive it.
- The deadline for Grade 5 hoodie and t-shirt orders is Monday.
- Math Problem is due Tuesday
- There is no Wordstudy this week.
- Wordstudy test and Math Update from last Friday went home today.
- "It was wonderful meeting your parents and guardians over the last two days!" exclaimed Ms. Ferguson and Mrs. Peters.
- Math - Update tomorrow will be on representing numbers in various ways. See Quick Review for help. Gr 4's - up to 10 000, Gr 5's - up to 1 000 000. Examples are standard form, expanded form, words, and base ten blocks.
- Buddies - We start tomorrow, yeah!
- Ms. Ferguson is back and we have launched our on-line homework board at homeworkboard3.blogspot.ca
- Terry Fox donations will be accepted until Thursday